Henley Elmwood Eco

Stoves / Henley

Introducing the Elmwood room heater, Eco Design Ready with a 6.7kW heat output. The simplicity of the matt black finish combined with a classic yet modern Victorian design make this model a popular choice for new builds.

Fuel Wood Burning
Heat Output: 5kW
Efficiency: 79%
Energy Rating A
Flue Size: 125mm
Primary Airtake: Yes
Secondary Airtake:  
Advanced Airwash: Yes
External Air Supply: Yes
Defra Exempt:  
HETAS Listed: Yes
  • Henley Elmwood Eco


Quayside Fireplaces provide installation of wood burners, log burners, multi fuel stoves, gas, electric and Defra approved fires, working throughout the whole of Kent.

  • Quayside Fireplaces, Unit H4, Upper Brents Industrial Estate, Faversham, Kent, ME13 7DZ
  • 01795 532 485
  • info@quaysidefireplaces.co.uk